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btksrv problem

index.php said:
hi all
i've a probleme when client connect to btkserv

Connection From     :
Server[070] / Client[0] Miss-match
Client disconnected :
Received Server PONG

what is the probleme :huh:

Probably you are using an old version.
Please install latest version.

081 is the latest one.
here is the link. chose the correct one for your image.
Gemini., Pli, Nitro, Blackhole etc....

if you are using the latest one then check the KEY of the server...
SKey: must be 16 hex byte and they must be identical in server and client.
i'm used a gemeni backup with the old btcam
any one have a backup with the newest version because i couldn't install it manually
just extract the gemini image for your receiver and update btkcam_mips or btkcam_ppc in your DM using ftp.

0. download and extact files to your PC.
1. stop btkcam in your receiver using remote controller.
2. connect to DM using FTP application
3. copy new btkcam_mips or btkcam_ppc to your DM (overwrite to old one. File is located in /var/bin )
4. Start btkcam using your remote.

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